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Get Ready to Soar: Transforming Fear into Excitement as You Launch Your Next Adventure

This has been a journey with many highs and lows, mainly my account balance, but I would not change it for the world.

It has been a jouney that I have been on for over a year, from writing the book, finding the perfect illustrator to printing, now the fun part, getting into the hands of children everywhere.

I began this project because I saw so many kids around my children's age that did not know what they wanted to do after high school, kids that did not know their possibilities or tapped into their interests to help them find a career they would enjoy.

We all have a situation or event that sparks something in us that makes us go; that's it; that is what I want to do. For me, it was one day in the dentist's office; my then toddler wanted to go to the dentist. I always hated the dentist, so we went for a check-up and cleaning. Dr. Prasad was absolutely amazing and so very gentle; he shared with me why he opened his practice and was very passionate. That inspired me to share that passion, and maybe if kids knew that passion of why someone got into a field, they may see a similar passion in themselves and want to pursue a career in that field.

I then began to remember days working on cars with my dad and his passion, and the reason why he became a mechanic. As I was writing, I remembered so many amazing stories or events we shared that I wanted to share with people everywhere.

There are so many reasons why I began to write, one being I used to make books as a child and staple them and give them to my mom, so my passion went hidden for a while. Another was to teach kids and possibly help a few.

I began this series for my kids as well as yours. Please follow our journey and get inspired to find your hidden passion and calling.

K Correia

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